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Rae Rae
About Me
Why a cow? I always had a love for animals. Having grownup a part of a farming family and spending my childhood visiting dairy farms instilled an appreciation for cows. I loved all the personality and spunk they had! I stumbled across my cow ears entirely by accident. I was ecstatic! I had been interested is cat girls and puppie girls, a cow girl hadn’t even crossed my mind! I was able to combine two things I loved and create a character that was just me in my favorite animal print! thanks to y’all I have spent the past two years creating cowtent I love, forming meaningful connections with my audience and other creators, and express myself :) there was no platform for cowsplay when I started but now I’m lucky to have been a part of a loving and accepting cowmunity <3 thank you for my platform. my success is thanks to the herd and I couldn’t have built any of it without you :)
Rae Rae
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