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This is a list of products I have made videos on whether specifically on that exact product, or based around an idea involving a subset of similar product. All of these links earn commission.

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Android FOSS

This is my list of recommended & featured Android applications, most of which I have reviewed and made a video on. This is not supposed to be a master-list of ALL FOSS Android apps. None of these apps are sponsored or have referral links. Check out my Material Design list for specifically MD3 apps.

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Android FOSS Material Design Apps

Apps that are both FOSS and have Material Design 3. Some of them have been reviewed, but many have not. Some apps here may not appear in the Android FOSS list. This is not supposed to be a master-list of ALL FOSS Android apps. None of these apps are sponsored or have referral links. Thanks to nyas1 for their master-list in making this project more complete: https://github.com/nyas1/Material-You-app-list

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Cool Websites

This is my list of featured websites whether for productivity, fun, and a bunch of tools. All of which I have reviewed and made a video on. This is not supposed to be a master-list of all websites on Earth. None of these are sponsored or have referral links.

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FOSS Material Design Essentials
39 Products

FOSS Material Design Essentials

These are what I consider essential apps in achieving a near 100% FOSS and MD3 setup. There are some apps types (calendar, email, etc) that are missing from the list because I couldn't find an app that meets the FOSS and MD3 criteria. This list specifically is a little unorganized because Throne mirrors the position of these apps from my other lists, and one edit changes all. Not all of these apps have been reviewed. This is not supposed to be a master-list of ALL FOSS Android apps. None of these apps are sponsored or have referral links. Thanks to nyas1 for their master-list in making this project more complete: https://github.com/nyas1/Material-You-app-list


About Me

Hi, I'm Jose. I make content on phones, photography, cybersecurity, and just tech in general. You will find curated lists from apps, tech, and services I sincerely recommend.



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