EsorEnilegnave's Shop
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Beauty and the Beast
My favorite princess and the one I relate to the most. Have my own library and love all things BatB.
Anime Items & Videos. A variety of shows/movies will be here. Mainly Ghibli, but others will be here.

3D Puzzles
A spot for a few 3D puzzles.

Books Books and more Books
More books to add to my library.
About Me
Hi hi! I'm Esor and I am a variety streamer. I play many different games and try to have fun. I also do musical theatre so there WILL be random singing (especially Beauty and the Beast, my favorite). You might see my fur babies from time to time. I have a variety of items on here, for people to find something of many prices. Organized? Sorta. ADD brain at it's finest.
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