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charity list

if im missing one let me know its not a guarantee ill add one you suggest since i do background checks to avoid donating to ones like "secretly homophobic medical one" or "wants to eugenics autistic people out of existence" remember that the bad ones dont hold some kind of copyright on the causes they claim to help and that much better alternatives exist oh ye also let me know if my background check on one of them fails or if something new pops up about them _____________________________________________________ i dont know why it says i could earn commissions off of the links i have no idea how throne would even follow through on that you can just open links through incognito or whatever other workaround there is i dont want to make money off of the stuff in here and i dont know how to get rid of that


About Me

i dont want to pay for this stuff all the time if i end up with extra money on the payout ones ill just buy more stuff from that specific shop heavy preference for nonfashion items i prefer books let me know if prices end up inaccurate (not counting sales) or if somethings no longer being sold throne wont let me withdraw payouts if i dont have at least $30 in my thing so keep that in mind when buying the cheaper stuff



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